
Since our bodies are 72% water it is vital that we take in good quality drinking water every day.  If you do not take in enough, every function in the body suffers.  Keep in mind not all water is created equally.  Are you drinking super energized, ionized alkaline water that the body can absorb and utilize or are you taking in dead, chemical laden, acidic water that robs your body of energy and contributes to ill health.  If your body processes 40,000 gallons a day in and out of the cells don't you think it would appreciate high quality water.  The botm line is if you have any health issues you need to re-evaluate the quality and quantity of the water you ingest. We live in a toxic world where we eat, drink and breath air that is toxic.  That causes our bodies to be very acidic. Acidity promotes the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungus and cancer cells.  The overgrowth of these pathogens accelerate the breakdown of healthy tissues.  This acceleration results in a rapid increase in the biological aging of the body.  Increased biological aging gives rise to disease and ultimately death.

In addition to that, it has been found that the very structure of our drinking water has changed due to those toxins.  It has created water too large for the body to assimilate.  Exhaustive research was done on the “Miracle waters” around the world that enable the native people in those areas to enjoy long healthy lives.  The secret is that they are clean, alkaline, micro-clustered, anti-oxidant waters.  The company Enagic has created a water of that quality.

To achieve proper hydration it is imperative that the water you take in is the highest quality ionized alkaline water. The only way to know if the quality of the water you choose fits that description is to test the pH and the energy measured in mV (millavolt).  At True Health we recommend Kangen water that is made by a company called Enagic.  (Please take some time and review the link to the website below.)  We have seen dramatic changes in people's health in a short period of time with this water.  Start drinking this on a regular basis and find out how you can benefit.

Reasons to change your water to Kangen Water....

  • Flushes toxins out of your body that create an environment of acidity which leads to ill health.
  • This water is micro-clustered and is easily absorbed into the cells
  • It changes the cell membrane potential allowing a free exchange of fluids in and out of the cells
  • ORP(oxidation reduction potential) values create a true antioxidant water
  • Replaces water soluble acids with calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and trace minerals to create great tasting alkaline water.

Acid Imbalance

What causes an acid imbalance in the body?

The four major contributing factors behind an acid imbalance are:

  • Acid Forming Foods & Drinks:  Regular consumption of highly refined foods, sugars, white flour, meat, alcohol, sodas, sports drinks, flavored waters and fried foods increase acids.
  • Stress:  Life stressors create an artificially high production of adrenaline which is a naturally acidic compound.
  • Exposure to Toxic Chemicals:  Many of the products we routinely use to clean our bodies, our clothes and our homes contain significant concentrations of toxic chemicals.  These chemicals are either taken into our lungs when we breath or are absorbed by our skin.
  • Impure Water:  Due to improper chemical dumping, run off of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, incomplete treatment of raw sewage, an overgrowth of microbes and the chemical used to “clean”our municipal water supplies are often a source of impure tap water.

Acidic Symptoms



Foot Detox

Another way to aid in the removal of burdensome toxins in the body is through a foot detox.