We use techniques that locate neurological disconnects created by trauma resulting in scar tissue and inflammation.  This includes injury, repetitive motion, poor posture, and movement that creates compensation.  We then put the person through the range of motion that causes the most pain while addressing the “hot spots” (the areas found that have neurological disconnects).

Pain comes from the neurological system sending signals to the brain telling you to not do a movement because there is a problem in an area.  What people do not realize is that where you feel the pain is not the whole story.  The body is an amazingly machine which will  compensates to get whatever motion accomplished.  Upon a scan of the body at a neurological level, one can discover the exact areas that are not functioning.  These areas consist of neurological disconnects which cause your muscles to become inefficient, atrophied or just completely weak.  When that occurs it strains areas nearby such as joints.  Think of your muscles as shock absorbers.  Like your car without shock absorbers, how long do you think you should run without good shocks?  If the nerves are not firing, your muscles are not absorbing the daily shocks you put it through including something as simple as walking.  Our professional neurological trainer can identify problem muscles just by watching you walk and move.  In addition to the trained eye, he is fully trained on how to scan your body to find those areas of neurological disconnect.  Just in 40 minutes you will know in detail the root of your issues.  However, as we discover all of the main areas over the first four sessions you will see huge improvements in inflammation, pain & mobility.  After getting the nerves to communicate properly, the next 6 sessions are designed to strengthen your muscles bilaterally to provide the body with stability longterm.  This gives one lasting results.